10th April
Blackthorn Blossom. A wonderful time painting because I met lovely people to share conversations with. From wild garlic pesto to sharing our appreciation of nature.
My heart skipped a beat when walking home by the river bank after painting. I love Toads. I always have and always will.
I love painting in Nature. It calms the racing mind and it makes me stop and feel with my heart. I can physically feel my soal opening my senses to the full. The smell of the Blackthorn blossoms, the chorous of birdsongs and the comforting babbling noise of the river in the background. An archway made of blossoms and buzzing bees, light and airy, away from the hussel and bussel of a busy life. It feels like I have stepped into a different world.
I always felt connected to nature since I was a little girl. That’s the time I felt free. When I was a teenager, I would take an early morning train to travel to the zoo in Bern, Switzerland and spend all day drawing and painting the animals.
Walking back after painting the Hawthorn blossom tree, I discovered a toad on the path. I have a love and fascination and find so much joy in drawing them. It feels like taking the pencil for a walk, exploring their curvy shape and bumpy skin.
Drawing the Toad made my day. The drawing is on my kitchen shelve to remind me that there are always hidden treasures to be found and sometimes they reveal themselves at most unexpected moments.