“Pascale Rentsch’s light- touch depictions of land and sea painted in the open air along the East Lothian coastline are things of airy beauty”
“Pascale Rentsch has used loose washes and splashed paint to create an image that suggests,...”
“When Pascale Rentsch talks about her paintings, she describes weather. Here is when the wind blew sand right into the palette. Here, it was so cold my watercolours froze. Here is a storm coming in over the Lammermuirs - and it’s there in the painting, a looming grey cloud which seems to draw closer even as we look - “I really had to rush to finish it!””
“Pascale Rentsch … demonstrating the great strengths and attractions of the fluidity and suppleness of the watercolour medium.”
“Pascale Rentsch’s ‘Windswept’ will have you sniffing the air for the salty tang of the east coast.”
“Pascale Rentsch paints outdoors to capture a vision of nature amidst the elements, such as in ‘Windswept’ which places the viewer right on the seaweed shoreline. Almost like a video film, the moment when the waves crash on the rocks is ‘snapped’ with a spontaneous splash of surf; above a flock of birds fly over in migration, perhaps heading south for winter sunshine.”
Windswept 2022, mixed media on heavy-weight watercolour paper, 58x76cm